02 Nov 2014
Qt is a “cross-plataform application and UI framework” that is being used for 800,000+ users. In this post we’re going to learn how to use OpenCV 3 on Qt 5.3 projects, so that you can create your applications with great UI features easier. If you remain with any doubt after reading this post, watch the video.
This post has been translated to ‘farsi’ (persian) language by Ali (thanks!).
Before we start, I need to say I’m assuming you already have OpenCV 3 installed on your Ubuntu. If this isn’t your case, check the tutorial in the pre-requirements note. Even if you have, pay attention to this fact: OpenCV must have been compiled without WITH_QT=ON
, because this flag enables OpenCV with Qt 4, not Qt 5.x, as we want here.
I know you’d like to see screenshots along this post, right? You won’t. Instead, I prefer to make videos so you can see the whole process. I hope you enjoy.
Downloading and installing Qt 5.3 and Qt Creator 3.2 Qt gives us a lot of options to download its framework and we’re going to use what’s recommended: Qt Online Installer for Linux.
Creating a Project on Qt Creator 3.2
Linking OpenCV to our projects – Qt Creator 3.2 (Qt 5.3)
First of all, go to your “.pro” file and add the following lines before “SOURCES”:
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/include/opencv
LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib -lopencv_core -lopencv_imgcodecs -lopencv_highgui
Remember to add all the libraries you’re going to need in your project. I’ve added only these three (core, imgcodecs and highgui), because we’re going to build a very basic sample. After that, you’re ready to use OpenCV in your project.
Building and running a sample
The program we’re going to use is very simple: you’ll need to hard-code the filepath to an image so that cv::imread()
can read it and the image will be displayed by cv::imshow()
. This way we can proof that OpenCV is running on Qt Creator.
Add the following lines after ui->setupUi(this)
in the file Sources/mainwindow.cpp
Make sure your PATH_TO_IMAGE
is valid. A lot of users were experiencing errors due to invalid paths. If your program runs and nothing happens, your image path is wrong.
cv::Mat inputImage = cv::imread("{PATH_TO_IMAGE}");
if(!inputImage.empty()) cv::imshow("Display Image", inputImage);
Don’t forget to add #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
on the header.
Build the project (Build » Build Project or Ctrl+B) and run it (Build » Run or Ctrl+R).
Any doubts? Watch the video below:
The image used on the video was created by Razaras.
If you still have doubts or you’re facing any problem, send me an email: me [at] rodrigoberriel.com. Don’t forget to leave your comment.